Neue Vetriebsgesellschaften in den baltischen Ländern


Um an dem rapiden Umwälzungsprozessen in Estland, Lettland und Litauen zu partizipieren hat Grundfos neue Vertriebsgesellschaften in jedem dieser baltischen Länder eröffnet.

Export Director at Grundfos Denmark and General Manager of the three new companies, Jørgen O. Knudsen, believes development in the Baltic States will be very rapid resulting in a great demand for pumps.

"This is why we decided to establish sales companies in the three markets", he said and goes on:

"We want to enter into partnerships with our customers and distributors in those countries, doing business with them in such a way that they realise they are dealing with a stable, genuine, and well-functioning team."

From being Soviet provinces the three Baltic countries are going through rapid changes and will probably become members of the EU before too long. All the three countries have made tiger leaps into modern market economy. There is a relatively high activity in the economies and great expectations in the possibilities of growth in the future.

Although the countries are often mentioned as one, they are three independent countries considering themselves very different - each with its own cultural and linguistic characteristics as well as the way of doing business.

Quelle:Grundfos GmbH

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